Service Providers

We work closely with the treatment and service providers who support our claimants following their motor accident.

Working with MAIB

Working with MAIB

MAIB Registration

If you wish to register as a service provider with us, or need to amend your details, simply complete our Provider Application Form.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

It is our requirement that all service providers whose practising speciality is governed by AHPRA are registered with this agency. Registration with AHPRA is verified before any payment for services can be made.

Full details of which practising specialities are listed under AHPRA can be found at

MAIB Contracted Service Providers

We operate panels of preferred providers in a range of professional services including:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Support needs assessment
  • Case management
  • Occupational therapy
  • Legal services
  • Attendant care
  • Medical equipment

Contract periods vary between panels. All panels are open tenders and advertisements will appear in all Tasmanian papers at the commencement of the retendering process.

How to invoice MAIB

How to invoice MAIB

Preparing Invoices

To ensure prompt and efficient processing of your invoices, it is important to note and include the required invoicing information. It is recommended that contact be made with us to ensure the claimant’s claim has been accepted and if required, the appropriate authority has been received to enable us to pay you for your service without delay.

Submitting your invoice

Original invoices are to be emailed to:

We recommend you forward your invoice for services as soon as practical. Payment of your invoice where the service is greater than 12 months ago may be refused.

Payment of invoices

Payment to service providers will be via direct deposit into your nominated bank, building society or credit union. A remittance advice detailing the payment will be forwarded on the same day payment is made.

If you have not registered as a service provider with us, simply complete our Provider Application Form.


Service provider fees are paid in accordance with the AMA List of Scheduled Fees and Benefits. For services not listed under the AMA, please contact us to obtain fee schedules/information relevant to your area of speciality.

Treating providers

Treating providers

Providing services to patients with a MAIB claim

All services for which funding is requested must be for treatment of injuries directly sustained in the motor accident for which the claim is made. All claims will have a claim number. If, prior to commencing treatment you wish to confirm if the MAIB is attending to treatment costs, contact the MAIB on 1800 006 224.

Fee schedules are in place for many professions. Claimants choose their own provider, we do not provide referrals or advice.

We support professional services consistent with the principles outlined in the WorkSafe Victoria Clinical Framework. Developed in Victoria, it is an essential reference for all treating practitioners working with motor accident injuries.

Further information is provided for the following professions:


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