About the MAIB

The MAIB administers the funding and payment of Tasmania's compulsory third party (CTP) motor accident insurance scheme.

What is the MAIB?

What is the MAIB?

Established in 1974 under the Motor Accidents (Liabilities and Compensation) Act 1973 (the Act), the Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) is a Tasmanian Government Enterprise (GBE). The purpose of the MAIB is to administer the funding and payment of Tasmania’s compulsory third party (CTP) motor accident insurance scheme. The scheme provides medical and income benefits on a no fault basis to people injured as a result of a motor accident while enabling access to common law.

All States and territories within Australia have CTP schemes which are funded through the application of compulsory premiums on all registered motor vehicles. The MAIB charges the lowest premium in Australia.

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Vision Statement

Supporting people impacted by road trauma.

Mission Statement

Deliver a sustainable high quality personal injury scheme by:

  • Recognising and delivering client centred outcomes and acting fairly, within our scheme;
  • Providing a safe and supportive workplace for our people;
  • Partnering with quality providers;
  • Maintaining financial sustainability and affordable premiums;
  • Contributing to making Tasmanian's roads safer; and
  • Making a valued contribution to the Tasmanian community.


In seeking to achieve the vision and mission, the values of the MAIB are:

  • Commitment;
  • Connection; and
  • Compassion.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance

The registered office of MAIB is Level 1, 33 George Street, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia.

The activities of MAIB are governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Tasmanian Government (the “Shareholder”). The Shareholder is represented by two Ministers, the Treasurer and the Minister for Infrastructure. Find out more about the MAIB’s Board here.

The Board is empowered to govern by the MAIB Act and by the Government Business Enterprises Act 1995. The Board and the Shareholder have agreed a Statement of Corporate Intent which sets out the MAIB’s corporate direction and objectives.

Further information on the MAIB can be found in our Annual Reports.

Community & road safety

Community involvement & road safety

MAIB’s Injury Prevention & Management Foundation each year funds projects to reduce the number and severity of motor accidents. The IPMF was established under the Act in 1993 with the objective of promoting measures to reduce the number and severity of motor accidents.

To achieve this objective, the MAIB may conduct or participate in, and/or provide financial support to people and organisations through sponsorships of appropriate projects. The IPMF is funded by setting aside up to one percent of gross annual premiums.

The IPMF Charities Committee was established in January 2002 and supports a number of Tasmanian not-for-profit charities. The MAIB’s sponsorship of charities assists Tasmanians living with brain injuries as well as road trauma support services.

MAIB also funds the:

  • Tasmania Police’s road enforcement activities;
  • Metro Tasmania (New Year’s Nightrider Service); and
  • Road Safety Advisory Council (RSAC).
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How to pay your MAIB insurance premium

If your vehicle is registered, a MAIB third party insurance premium is compulsorily paid each year as part of your vehicle registration renewal fee. Your registration renewal form details the MAIB premium to be paid.

If your vehicle is not registered (off-road and recreational vehicles) you can arrange to pay a MAIB premium through your local Service Tasmania shop. Click here to find out more about why you should insure your off-road or recreational vehicle.

MAIB premiums are payable to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, and may be paid annually or six monthly at any Service Tasmania shop. Further details are available from Transport on 1300 135 513, or on the Transport website. Motor vehicle owners must ensure their vehicle has an MAIB premium to qualify for benefits.

Want to know if your vehicle registration and MAIB cover is current? You can access this information in the Online Services section of the Transport website.

Premiums and Vehicle Classifications

Right to information

Right to information

Information held by MAIB

The MAIB collects information primarily to determine entitlement under the Motor Accidents (Liabilities and Compensation) Act 1973 and accompanying regulations to common law damages and/or no fault benefits and where applicable providing benefits under the Act and regulations.

The collection of personal information and health information is limited to information that is necessary and relevant to the determination of your entitlement to benefits or common law damages, and to the provision of benefits.

Information, which is not of a personal nature, such as annual reports and policies, are also generated by MAIB as a result of running its business. In accordance with the Tasmanian Government’s principles of transparency and accountability throughout government, MAIB willingly provides access to information, wherever it is in the public interest to do so.

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Report Fraud

Report Fraud


Fraud is the use of deception or misrepresentation to obtain an unjust advantage, including theft or misappropriation of the MAIB’s assets. Examples of fraud include exaggerated injury, staged or phantom accidents, false claims for travel and economic loss and service providers charging MAIB for consultation time not actually provided to MAIB clients.

Fraudulent claims can increase the cost of premiums for everyone.

The MAIB is committed to preventing, deterring, detecting and managing fraudulent behaviour in the performance of its business activities and has a zero tolerance approach to fraudulent activities. The MAIB will pursue those engaged in attempts to defraud.

Report Suspected Fraud

If you know or suspect that someone is committing fraudulent activity in relation to the MAIB please report it via:

Phone: 1800 006 224 (Toll Free) or (03) 6336 4800, or by using the anonymous form below.

You can choose to remain anonymous.

Report Suspected Fraud:

MAIB response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Response Update

If you think you might have COVID-19, please phone the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline at 1800 671 738 or refer to information about COVID-19 on the Tasmanian Department of Health’s Website (www.health.tas.gov.au). Please only use Triple Zero (000) for emergencies.

Please do not enter MAIB facilities if you have or think you may have COVID-19. Stay home if you feel unwell and get tested for COVID-19 if you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms. MAIB can schedule appointments via phone or videoconferencing as required.

The MAIB continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and the safety of our clients, staff and community remains our top priority. The MAIB has implemented COVID-19 safety plans in line with the Tasmania and Commonwealth Government advice. We continue to work with stakeholders and providers, taking every precaution to ensure our sites are COVID-safe and to minimise any impact of continuity of care for our clients relating to COVID-19.

For the latest up-to-date information, the MAIB recommends you refer to the following:

Information for MAIB clients

Our workforce remains available to continue to support our clients and providers during this period. Please continue to contact us at our usual email addresses or at 1800 006 224 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm). We will continue to reply to all enquiries as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about accessing your usual essential support (such as attendant care services, medical supplies or disability equipment), please contact your provider in the first instance.

If you are unable to contact your provider or need help to do this, please call us at 1800 006 224 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm).

Please contact your usual MAIB claims team if you require assistance regarding your existing claim.

Information for providers

The MAIB continues to work closely with our providers during this period.

MAIB clients can access telehealth services from their general practitioner, treating specialist or rehabilitation provider where eligible and the provider determines it is clinically appropriate for the client and the provider to utilise telehealth services.

MAIB providers are encouraged to have up-to-date plans in place to ensure continuity of care for MAIB clients and ensure the safety of providers and their employees.

Please contact your usual MAIB claims team if you require any assistance.

Providers should regularly check the State and Commonwealth Department of Health websites for the latest coronavirus advice and resources.

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